Our Policies


WSI Next Gen Marketing Privacy Statement

Last Updated: May 2018

At WSI Next Gen Marketing, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This Privacy Statement provides important information on how WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING (““we,” “us” or “our”) handles personal information. This Privacy Statement applies to all information gathered for and on behalf of WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING electronically through the wsinextgenmarketing.com site (the “Site”). It explains data collection, use and disclosure of personal information by WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING. It does not apply to offline products or services.
By accessing the Site or providing us with any personal information, you agree that WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING may collect and use such personal information internally. In addition, it also signifies that you agree with all the terms of this Privacy Statement.
WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Statement. If you have questions concerning WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING Privacy Statement, please contact us at [email protected] or via postal mail at the address provided below:
1005 Stonebridge Drive
Napa, CA 94558
We will use commercially reasonable efforts to determine and address your concerns promptly.

Who are we?

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING is a Napa based, full-service digital marketing agency belonging to the global WSI network. WSI stands for “We Simplify the Internet” and our mission is exactly that – to simplify the complexity of the Internet for businesses and unlock the full potential of their business by leveraging the Internet and its many unrecognized opportunities.

Personal Data Collection
What is personal information?

Personal information is any information that identifies you, or by which your identity could reasonably be ascertained or deduced from that information.

How do we collect personal information from you?

The collection of personal information is obtained when a visitor lands on the Site, you use the Site through completing a form to gain more information or if you register to receive our monthly newsletters, download resources or request to speak with a customer representative from WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING.

Why are we collecting your personal information?

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING collects information in order to provide better and enhanced services to you. The information requested on this Site is required to process your request for more information about our company, services, and products, register for our events or monthly newsletters, or contact a representative from WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING.

What type of personal information is collected?

The personal information WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING collects may include but is not limited to your name, mailing address, home phone number, cell phone number or financial and credit card information, if required, for the purchase of WSI products or services or registration of WSI events. Your company or business name, business address, your business contact information or information that is already a matter of public record or knowledge is generally not considered personal information and may be shared with anyone within or outside the WSI network.

Why WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING creates a profile?

We may analyze your personal information to create a profile of personal information so that we can segment you and contact you with relevant information about our company, services or products. We may make use of additional information about you if, available from external sources to help us do this effectively.

How we use your personal information?

We do not provide or sell your personal information collected on this Site to anyone externally of WSI. We only use the collected information internally to:
• Navigate through the Site
• Provide the service(s)
• Carry out the transaction(s) you have requested
In support of these uses, WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING may use personal information to:
• Provide you with more effective customer service
• Provide you with important information about the product or service that you are using, including critical updates and notifications
• Send you information about other WSI products and services

Personal Information Access & Control

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING, will not sell or rent your information to third parties, or share your information with third parties for marketing purposes outside of WSI digital marketing services. Access to your personal information will be restricted to WSI employees, administrators or WSI Consultants who are responsible for the marketing and administration of WSI services.

How do I access my personal information?

If you wish to access your personal information, update your details, or unsubscribe from communications, emails us at [email protected] or write to:
1005 Stonebridge Drive
Napa, CA 94558

How do I control WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING use of my personal information?

Except as otherwise described in this Privacy Statement, personal information you provide on the Site will not be shared outside of WSI employees, administrators or WSI Consultants who are responsible for the marketing and administration of WSI services without your permission. As described above in the previous section, you can access your personal information through email or writing to us.

Links to other websites and social media

This Site hosts various blogs, case studies, and testimonials that will allow you to share our content through various Social Media Applications with other users. Any personal information that you contribute to any Social Media Application can be read, collected and used by these Social Media Organizations. Therefore, we are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other Social Media Applications and their Organization.
In addition, the Site may contain links to other websites managed by other organizations or WSI Consultants; this Privacy Statement only applies to wsinextgenmarketing.com. If you landed on our Site from a third-party website, we are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices outside of our Site. We encourage you to check the third-party sites or social media applications privacy statements.

Personal Information Protection

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Cookies & Similar Technologies

This Site uses cookies to deliver relevant content, ease site navigation or collect information for statistical use, such as how many visitors our site received. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies at any time by modifying the settings in your browser, and you can also erase cookies from your operating system as well. However, declining or erasing cookies may preclude you from fully experiencing all the features of this website.
For more information about cookies and how we use them, please read our Cookies & Internet Advertising Policy.


If you have voluntarily provided personally identifiable information, including but not limited to, your name, title, phone number, or email address (business or personal), you have assumed an implied business relationship with WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING and therefore consented to the collection, use and disclosure of your personally identifiable information as described in this Privacy Statement.
WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING will not use personally identifiable information for any purpose outside of the implied business relationship.

Children’s Privacy Protection

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING is committed to protecting the privacy of children locally and internationally. This Site is not designed or intentionally targeted towards children 18 years of age or younger, and we do not intentionally collect or maintain personal information about anyone under the age of 18.


WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING will ensure California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA), and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to ensure compliance, electronic messages (including email marketing) will be based on an “Opt-In” approach.
WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING will gain consent for external electronic messages purposes prior to sending commercial messages (including emails) unless we have a pre-existing business relationship with the client or prospect as in these particular cases consent is considered to be implied. Should WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING require personal information for a new purpose, we will contact you directly to seek consent for that new use/purpose.

How can you opt-out?

Your consent to the use of personal information to communicate with you and offer you products and services are optional. If you wish to remove your personal information from our databases, you may opt-out at any time by doing the following: unsubscribing through a delivered email message, contacting us directly via email at [email protected] to make this request, or write to:
1005 Stonebridge Drive
Napa, CA 94558

Review of this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement is in accordance with California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) effective February 6, 2013, and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective May 25, 2018.
We keep this Privacy Statement under regular review. We encourage you to periodically review this document to be informed about how WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING protects and respects your personal information. This Privacy Statement was last updated in May 2018.

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING’s Cookies & Internet Advertising Policy

Last Updated: May 2018

By accessing the Site, you are consenting to our use of cookies and other similar technologies as described in this policy. On this page, learn what cookies are, how and why they are used, a list of all cookies used on wsinextgenmarketing.com, and how to opt-out of non-essential cookies.

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING welcomes your comments regarding this WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING Cookies & Internet Advertising Policy. If you have questions concerning this page contact us at [email protected] or via postal mail at the address provided below:

1005 Stonebridge Drive
Napa, CA 94558

We will use commercially reasonable efforts to determine and address your concerns promptly.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file placed on your hard disk to enable a site to recall your specific information on subsequent visits, saving you time and effort. While cookies are able to remember your information to provide you with this convenience, they cannot be used to run programs or spread viruses to your computer.

Why does WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING use cookies?

Cookies’ are used on this Site to ensure the integrity of the registration process and to personalize the Site. Furthermore, they deliver relevant content, ease site navigation or collect information for statistical use, such as how many visitors our site received. There are two common types of cookies that we use, “persistent cookies” and “session cookies.”

Persistent cookies’ lives on your browser’s subfolder for a duration of time, or until you manually delete them. We use persistent cookies to help remember your information and settings when you visit in the future, making the site more personalized to you. This makes your requests and registration process faster and more convenient to obtain or access Site information, products or services.

Session cookies’ are temporary cookie files that delete once you leave the site and close your browser. We use session cookies to enable the Site to keep track of your movement during your duration on wsinextgenmarketing.com which in turn assists WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING in improving the functionality and performance of the Site.

How does WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING use cookies?

When you land on the Site, cookies will be placed on your device by WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING or the third parties whose services are used for the overall condition of wsinextgenmarketing.com. The cookies used on the Site are as follows:

Strictly Necessary Cookie

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING uses secure firewalls and cookies to prevent unauthorized access to our internal systems. The security cookie does not contain any personal information and opted-out is not an option.

Site Performance Cookies

Every time a visitor lands on the Site, our site performance cookies fires an ‘anonymous cookie.’ These cookies are used to monitor the condition of the Site, visitor behavior, and help us continue improving content and performance of wsinextgenmarketing.com.

Google Analytics

Opt-out of Google Analytics cookies

Cookie Name:

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., to help us see the Site behavior. The data collected by Google Analytics is used to analyze the frequency of returning visitors, how the Site is found (from advertising or referring websites), and which pages are most frequently viewed. This information is combined with data from other visitors to create an overall picture of the Site’s use. Google Analytics never identifies the individual or their personal information and is not linked to any other information we store about you.

Lucky Orange

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING is using Lucky Orange, including data about you, to help improve your experience on their site. Broken or frustrating experiences, sales & support conversations, and user feedback are just a few use cases for the data collected.

Lucky Orange offers a convenient online management tool to help you see exactly what data was collected about you, manage that data, and even opt out of future tracking.

This management tool accesses all sessions, conversations, surveys and more tracked for a particular computer based on a UID (Unique Identifier) first-party cookie that a website using Lucky Orange sets.

This UID is stored in a cookie called _lo_uid and is site specific. If you visited a site that was using the Lucky Orange tracking code you can lookup the data that site collected about you by doing the following:

  1. Visit the site that is using Lucky Orange
  2. Open your developer console (In Google Chrome Ctrl + Shift + J)
  3. Type LO.getPrivacyLink()
  4. Visit the link that it returns.

Functionality Cookie

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING uses functionality cookies to enhance the user experience by tracking the choices you make on the Site. This allows us to tailor content to your preference. All data is stored and used for aggregated and statistical reporting. Form submissions are stored by WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING, to manage your identity for customer relationship management initiatives.


Cookie Name: 

SharpSpring is a marketing automation tool that allows automating our marketing strategy. We use SharpSpring to help see visitor’s behavior and collect personal information through the form completion. The information collected is used to improve our visitor’s user experience with tailored content through email marketing.

Internet Advertising

Internet Advertising is delivering promotional marketing messages to you, through viewing ads you may like to see based on your activity on search engines, websites and Social Media Applications. We use tracking pixels to assist with engagement through internet advertising. The technology to do this is made possible through cookies or similar technologies, and we may place these tracking during pixels during your visit. WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING employees are unable to reach out to you personally as the process is anonymized and based on audience segmentation.

WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING uses marketing and remarketing cookies to better understand our audience’s interest and to promote the WSI’s services and products more efficiently. The tracking pixels we currently use are for LinkedIn, Facebook and Google.

Opt-out Options

In line with new EU regulations, WSI NEXT GEN MARKETING is working to change the way our website works and actively get your consent for these cookies. At the present time, this consent process is not in place.

However, you have the ability to accept or decline cookies at any time by modifying the settings in your browser, and you can also erase cookies from your operating system as well. Declining or erasing cookies may preclude you from fully experiencing all the features of this website. You can opt-out by changing your cookie settings in two ways:

Browser Settings

You can change your browser’s settings so that it will tell you when cookies are sent or decline the use of cookies altogether. To understand these settings, use the ‘Help’ section in your browser for more information.

Third Party Settings

You can normally change how third-party cookies and internet advertising interact with you by changing your online behavioral advertising preference. This can be done by browser add-ons and extensions.

To identify which third party cookies follow you and understand the sections go to Your Online Choices.

Internet Advertising Settings

You can control whether you would like to see interest-based ads by changing the settings from the Social Media Applications and search engines.