Jun 28, 2020 | Advertising, Digital Marketing Trends
5 Social Media Advertising Tactics In an everchanging, fast-moving world, where technology rules, businesses have to be smart, adapt quickly, and take risk. Social media advertising has been around for a while now, but for many businesses, it’s still very new and it...
Apr 27, 2020 | Advertising, Digital Marketing Trends, Search, Site
Mercadotecnia a la Comunidad Habla Hispana ¿Sabía usted, que el 28% de californianos hablan español en casa? ¿Y que 13% de la demográfica de los estados unidos hablan español como su primera lengua? Esto nos plantea una pregunta importante: ¿Su negocio olvida este...
Apr 27, 2020 | Advertising, Digital Marketing Trends, Search, Site
Marketing to the Spanish-Speaking Community Did you know that 28% of Californians speak Spanish at home? And that 13% of the U.S. population speaks Spanish as a first language? This raises an important question: is your business neglecting this important group? Since...
Aug 22, 2019 | Advertising
Facebook & Instagram Ads vs Google Ads The world of advertising is changing and so are the tools we use. We are seeing an increase in social media marketing and advertising but it doesn’t mean other digital ads are dead. For starters, there are so many different...